Not Impressed!

Not Impressed!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

B History part 2

B at only 5 weeks old was then admited back to hospital and was due to have a 3rd Ventriculostomy (basicaly an operation to try get her ventricals working) she also had an omar reservoir inserted too.

Mummy trying to smile!

We then spent ANOTHER two weeks in hospital due to B getting ill. The doctors sent us home with us not happy with the situation, as B was not her self. BUT we were back in hospital within two weeks as her head started leaking Cerebrospinal fluid (csf your brain liquid!) from the site of the omar reservoir and as another little side thing B started to have Apneas (basically little sleeps where she stopped breathing!) not at all worrying.

We then were sent home again for two weeks. But B's head was STILL growing at an alarming rate and our paediatrician wasn't happy with this so sent us back into hospital, on our wedding anniversary no less.

She had a shunt inserted which drained cs fluid from the arachnoid space around her head down to her tummy, this fixed her head growing fast problem, to date it has grown 5 millimetres since this op. She recovered well from this op and we were home nice and fast.

Feeding continued to be a problem she seemed to have a problem with the sucking and swallowing from a bottle, also drinking large amount from a cup or beaker was a problem due to her lack of speed, she also wouldn't cry or let us know if she was hungry, worryingly. Although she STILL doesn't!

Smiles even with everything going on
At home at last!

By december of 2008 our peadiatrician wanted us to feed her by nasogastric tube NG to try and get her to put some weight on ( this is a tube put in to the tummy through her nose see main picture of her) this was meant to be a short term mesure and we were meant to keep trying to feed with bottles and beakers and cups and flying saucers and everything else.
By May 2009 B's feeding had not taken off and her wieght was still very low for her age it was decided that she would need a Gastrostomy (tube straight in to her tummy from the outside of her tummy)

This helped with feeding and still does, when mummy and daddy remember to plug B in! Things were going well the feeding took off, the head was a stable size and there were no other problems untill september 2009 when B had her first tonic clonic seziure and we spent 2 days in hosp recovering from it. Luckly our peaditrician didn't want to do any thing in reaction to this fit and said we had to wait untill her next one before we introduced and medication to control it as she said it could of been one of them things.

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