Not Impressed!

Not Impressed!

Friday, 21 October 2011

B's history part 3

We had to wait quite a while for B's next fit to happen and boy was this one big it lasted for over 45 mins before she stopped she had another one while in hospital which as luck would have it happened at the time of the doctor round so help was close at hand!
The doctors desided that this was not a one off and B would need to be put on anti-epileptic drugs to help her not have fits.
It was around this time January 2010 that we found out the joyoues new that B would soon be having a (unknown to us) little sister, the doctors suddenly thought that we probably should check to see if B's problems were genetics and blood tests were rushed through in record time but they found some thing.
Bethany, bless her, had been found to have a rare chromosome disorder called a 1q4 deletion with 1q43 and 1q44 being the missing bits. Mum and Dad were both then checked to see if there were carriers. Luckily we weren't so the now baking Eden shouldn't have anything to worry about (apart from having me as a dad!)

through out 2010 B had almost 1 fit every month from march until October when her anti fit meds were looked at and SHOCK HORROR B had put on too much weight so her meds had to be upped! who would have thought it?

First Xmas
Since then she has only had one big fit in march 2011 were we were in hospital for other reasons and were discharged we got 10 mins away from hospital and she started fitting in the back of the car, she then aspirated and gave her self pneumonia and we nearly lost her due to this as she wouldn't stop fitting during this recovery period so had to have a second anti fit drug to help her recover from the pneumonia. We were in hospital for nearly two more weeks while B fought back and recovered. This fit drove home how it probably will be something ordinary that finally takes our beloved rather than her 1q4 deletion.

And with only one fit since then finguers X'd we have them fits under control.

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